After viewing several YouTube videos for tutorials, I finally decided to try a straw set on my hair. It was pretty time consuming but I liked the results. Also I could have been done faster if I didn't take so many breaks in between but whatever. My only problems are that I wish the curls would have come out longer to show the true length of my hair and I wasn't able to get the straws tight to my roots so they look kind of puffy. Other than that I really don't have any complaints.
I did this on freshly washed and conditioned hair. After washing I detangled and separated it into about 10 sections to work with. I used a total of 58 straws that were in a 100 pack I bought from Wal-Mart and bobby pins to secure the straws. I used more than one bobby pin in a few that felt too loose. It took me from about 12p-7p total to do everything (wash, condition, detangle, input straws). I let my hair air dry overnight which I probably wouldn't recommend. Sleeping on those straws was a challenge so in the future I'll probably sit under my hood dryer so I can take the straws out. The only products I used were Eco Styler Gel, water and Lotta Body setting lotion. I think I used a bit too much gel because the curls were a little hard when I took the straws out. I'm told this style can last up to two weeks but I'm probably gonna wash it out before then. I learned to do this style from YouTube videos by diimpulz and KYSBROWNSUGA so you can look them up for tutorials. Lots of pictures to follow....

As you can see the roots are really puffy. |
After separating the curls. |
I got sick of the curly fro after a few days so I just decided to pull it back into a curly poof. I like this look much better on me. |