So clearly it's been quite a while since I've had a new blog post. You may (or may not) have been wondering where I've been all this time. For my ego's sake, let's just say you have. What happened is that I finally found a good hair salon to go to where I live. Yay!!! Good for me, bad for my blog because if I'm not doing my own hair there's really not much for me to post about. Also, I haven't been wearing any natural styles lately. I've been getting my hair straightened about every two weeks since around March so again, nothing to post about.
I'd hate to think that I'm just going to stop posting all together but I honestly don't know. As of now there's really nothing new going on with me or my hair to talk about. Still, I plan on keeping you posted. One thing is that I found I can still get that "relaxed" look while having natural hair which is all I really wanted. I'm happy because that gives me more options with my hair.
That's all for now and like I said, I'll keep you posted. Later!